The FFA degree program represents a member’s progress in leadership development, agricultural education classes and SAE.
To earn each degree a student must complete the requirements outlined for that degree.
Discovery Degree
Discovery FFA Degrees are given out at the chapter level. To be eligible to receive the Discovery FFA Degree from a chapter, the member must meet the minimum requirements
Greenhand Degree
Greenhand FFA Degrees are given out at the chapter level. When a student meets the minimum qualifications, the Greenhand Degree may be conferred by the chapter.
Chapter Degree
Chapter FFA Degrees are awarded to the top members of a local chapter.
State FFA Degree
The State FFA Degree is the highest degree the state association can bestow upon a member. Each year members are awarded the degree based upon their comprehensive Supervised Agricultural Experience Program. FFA members must submit two years of SAE record books, complete the State FFA Degree application and meet all minimum qualifications as well as pass an assessment in order to be awarded the State FFA Degree.
American FFA Degree
The American FFA Degree is the highest honor awarded to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experience.