Starting an Ag Ed Program and FFA Chapter
FFA Chapters may be established in high schools where approved agricultural education programs exist. Schools will work with the Nebraska Department of Education AFNR Career Field Specialist to identify requirements for teachers, coursework and course continuums that exist for a high-quality Career and Technical Education program. Once a school has received Program Approval for their agricultural education program, they are eligible to apply for an FFA chapter charter. Chapters must meet certain requirements to be chartered and to remain in good standing and eligible for continued participation.
Additional information and resources are available from National FFA in their Starting an Ag Education Program and FFA Chapter Guide.
Applying for and Receiving a Chapter Charter
The agriculture teacher(s) must receive Program Approval and then submit the application for charter to the state FFA office. The application for charter and sample documents are available electronically from state staff or under left menu, Resources.
Once all documents are received and approved, state staff will work with the chapter advisor to establish necessary accounts and log-in information to give the chapter access to ffa.org for roster and other program information and The AET for record books and applications. Charter applications are due by September 1st of each year to be eligible as a full program/FFA chapter for that current school year. Additional information is available in the Nebraska FFA Association Policies and Procedures Manual.