Nebraska FFA Applications
These applications encourage participation, service, involvement and
ways to honor others by the Nebraska FFA Association.
- Ag Issues Academy
- Cornerstone Award (Nominate an Administrator)
- Gary Scharf Helping Hand Award (Nominate an FFA Advisor)
- Governor's Awards of Excellence - Sponsored by NIFA
- Hall of Chapters
- Honor Choir Application
- Honorary State FFA Degree (Nominate a Teacher or Supporter)
- Nebraska Farm Bureau Advisors of the Year
- State Officer Application
- Talent Application
- FFA Living to Serve Student Display
Ag Issues Academy Student Application and Advisor Recommendation Due February 14, 2025, Noon CST
Agriculture is the largest and most important industry across our state. While every year the number of people involved in hands-on production agriculture decreases, the number of people employed in careers that both support and depend upon agriculture is growing. Through the Ag Issues Academy (AIA) students will identify ways that agriculture supports and builds communities, both rural and urban. Students will learn ways to connect with and build partnerships to foster better communication – not only with consumers, but also the general public, who are directly and indirectly employed in agriculture.
Using the Plan, Develop, Do and Reflect model, students will:
- Plan a process or event to increase awareness about agricultural issues
- Develop strategies to carry out their goals, so they can ultimately…
- Do the event or process to raise awareness and engage others
- Reflect through process to evaluate strategies to build and improve
AIA Participants will be required to complete pre-work consisting of short learning sessions and modules. These will provide input and resources so during State FFA Convention, students can formalize the Plan and Develop steps. The Do component will take place in local chapters and communities in the weeks and months post-convention, with Reflection completed afterwards.
AIA participants are also required to attend the on-site experience during the Nebraska State FFA Convention. They will also be
AIA is open to FFA members in grades 9-12. The content, planning and work will require time, focus and maturity. Please take that into consideration when students are applying.Students must complete the application process by February 14th. This includes uploading a photo (jpeg or png) and submitting a one page resume (pdf). It is recommended to use a non-school email address in application – this will help pre-work communication to reach participants.
Advisors must complete a recommendation for each student applying by February 14th. Complete a separate form for each student applying.
AIA Student Application
AIA Advisor Recommendation
Cornerstone Award Nominations Due March 1, 2025, Noon CST
Many agricultural education programs thrive because of outstanding support provided by local school administrators. Nebraska FFA recognizes outstanding administrators for their support of agricultural education/FFA during the State FFA Convention with the Cornerstone Award. All nominees will be reviewed by a committee and the four recipients will be notified of their honor and recognition prior to State FFA Convention
Cornerstone Award Nomination Application
Gary Scharf Helping Hand Award Nominations Due March 1, 2025
The Gary Scharf Helping Hand Award recognizes a Nebraska agriculture instructor/FFA advisor for what they have done to help others, specifically in the school and community, outside of agricultural education and FFA.
This award is supported and managed by the Nebraska FFA Foundation. Find out more information and learn about the application process by clicking the button below.
Gary Scharf Helping Hand Award
The Governor’s Awards of Excellence, sponsored by NIFA, recognizes outstanding projects and activities of agricultural education programs and FFA chapters in Nebraska.
Chapters can apply in one of two categories:
- $2,500 or $1,000.
- Four $2,500 awards and fifteen $1,000 awards are available.
The awards are to encourage programs and chapters to develop programming that engages students in solving problems beyond those that exist today. Students are encouraged to apply technology and scientific principles as well as increase agricultural knowledge through student, chapter and community development activities.
Applications are due September 30th. Links below will be active next fall.
Planning Template with Application Questions
Complete and Submit Application Here
Applications Due March 1, 2025, Noon CST
The Hall of Chapters event allows FFA chapters from across Nebraska to create a display to highlight Nebraska agriculture. Chapters are encouraged to design and implement educational displays within the parameters to be showcased at the Nebraska State FFA Convention.
The 2025 Hall of Chapters Event will be a showcase display event only. There will not be an interview or judging process. There will be a Showcase Hour from 5:30-6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 2 where chapters are invited to have students staff their booth and interact with people coming to the opening session.
All information is included in the Hall of Chapters Handbook. Please read and review the handbook for all requirements. Reminder – this is no longer a national-qualifying competition as there will not be a Hall of States exhibit at National FFA Convention.
Hall of Chapters Handbook
Hall of Chapters Application
Honor Choir Applications Due December 16, 2024
Apply to be part of the State FFA Honor Choir! Applications must be certified by the local school’s music instructor. Nebraska FFA members in grades 9-12 are eligible to apply.
Read the specific rules, procedures, selection and music for use in the Honor Choir application process. This includes “My Country Tis of Thee” Music.
Please note that auditions must be recorded one of two ways: as an audio file (mp3) OR posted as an online (SchoolTube, YouTube, etc.) video. The local music instructor may submit the audio file or video link in their recommendation form.
The honor choir application and music instructor recommendation link will be active each fall.
State Choir Rules and Information
Honor Choir Application
Music Instructor Recommendation
Honorary State FFA Degree Nominations Due March 1, 2025, Noon CST
The Honorary State FFA Degree is one of the highest honors Nebraska FFA can bestow on adults who contribute to agricultural education and FFA at the local, chapter and/or state level.
Nominations include:
Adult Supporter (other than a current agriculture teacher) – someone who supports your local program or who has made an impact on students at the local, district or state level.
Agricultural Education Teacher – your local teacher/advisor who does good things in the classroom, school and for your chapter.
Adult Supporter – Honorary State FFA Degree
Agricultural Education Teacher – Honorary State FFA Degree
Farm Bureau Advisors of the Year
The Nebraska Farm Bureau recognizes the contributions of FFA advisors across the state. They provide recognition for two outstanding Nebraska FFA advisors each year and those individuals are honored at the State FFA Convention. Click the button below for additional information and application to nominate your FFA advisor!
Farm Bureau Advisors of the Year
Nebraska FFA Officers commit to a year of service to the association, members and agriculture industry. These seven individuals are responsible for facilitating conferences, meeting with business and industry representatives, traveling statewide to FFA chapters, serving as delegates to the National FFA Convention, and much more.
Nebraska FFA state officer candidates must be at least a graduating senior at the time of applying for office. Additionally, state officer candidates may be no more than one year out of high school at the time of applying for office. State officer candidates must earn their State FFA Degree either during the year in which they are running or must have previously earned the degree. State officer candidates must be bona fide FFA members in good standing with their local chapter, the association, and any related entities such as the State Fair and Nebraska FFA Foundation.
Students interested in applying to be a state officer must submit the State Officer Application by the specified deadline to the state office. Candidates will be informed about the interview process that shall follow the written application, and candidates must be available for all segments of the interview process in order to advance to the final phase of the interview process. Each chapter may be represented by only one state officer candidate in any given year.
Application Deadline: February 14, 2025, Noon CST
Preliminary Interviews
- Location: Kearney
- Date: March 19-21, 2025
- Start time: TBD
- Candidate Attire: Official Dress
Finals Interviews
- Location: Lincoln
- Date: April 1-2, 2025
- Start time: TBD
- Candidate Attire: Official Dress
Application Process
Step 1: Preview Application Questions
Questions on the Application
Step 2: Print the Personal Commitment Statement and Gather Signatures
25-26 Personal Commitment Statement Coming Soon
Step 3: Complete the Application
25-26 State FFA Officer Application
Step 4: Have your advisor complete their candidate recommendation.
Advisor Recommendation for State Officer Candidate
Step 5: Review the candidate guide!
Candidate Preparation Guide
Talent Applications Due January 15, 2025
Whether part of a group or going solo, volunteer to show off your talents during the Nebraska State FFA Convention!
Nebraska FFA Talent program is open to 7-12th grade Nebraska FFA members. All talent entries must be appropriate for the Convention experience. This year, talent entries include individuals serving as American Sign Language interpreters for the National Anthem, prior to the start of sessions in PBA.
Any entries that have inappropriate lyrics or allude to drugs, alcohol, violence, and inappropriate/physical relations will be disqualified. It is up to the discretion of Nebraska FFA staff to determine if songs/lyrics are appropriate.
State FFA Talent Application
This year, Nebraska FFA Association will be highlighting the importance of service with the addition of the Living to Serve Area on the 5th floor concourse of Pinnacle Bank Arena. The Nebraska Remembering Our Fallen exhibit will be on display for FFA members, advisors, and guests to visit. In addition, we are adding the Nebraska FFA Living to Serve Displays.
This area will allow up to 20 Nebraska FFA members to create a display to explain and highlight a service project that has been completed by those individuals in their schools, communities, or regions. This might be an extension of a Washington Leadership Conference Living to Serve Plan, or it could be something an individual created on their own. It should showcase the project or event and include results and impact.
The displays will not be judged/evaluated – this is a showcase event to highlight the impact of Nebraska FFA members and their service throughout the state.
Set up will be on Wednesday, April 3 from 10 am to Noon. Hours that people can visit the Living to Serve Displays will be:
Wednesday, April 3rd from Noon to 6 pm
Thursday, April 4th from 8 am – 4 pm
Friday, April 5th from 8 am to 1 pmLiving to Serve student display application
Living to Serve Handbook