Teacher Resources
Courses and Program of Study
Nebraska Department of Education Course & Programs of Study Standards
SAE for All
A student and teacher guide to SAE for ALL, along with individual learning guides associated with each component of the program are available at The Council website
Additional Resources from Nebraska:
It’s all about… planning, management, measurement and student success.
AET and SAE Record Keeping Guide by Monty Larsen
The Nebraska Agricultural Educators Association membership voted to adopt the Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET) as the official record-keeping system for Nebraska Agricultural Education programs. The FFA Board of Directors also adopted a policy AET record books must be utilized for state-level FFA applications (Nebraska FFA Degree and Proficiency Awards). Schools are responsible for maintaining their own subscriptions to this curriculum service. Click below to access AET!
More Teacher Resources
Medical Release/Code of Conduct
Ag Ed Promotion
- AFNR Education Packet – providing information on AFNR education in Nebraska.
Beginning Teacher
All teachers who are in their first year teaching agricultural education in Nebraska are invited to participate in the Beginning Teacher and Mentoring Program. As a joint effort of Nebraska’s Team Ag Ed, beginning teachers will be assigned a mentor from a nearby school within their agricultural education district who will serve as a first line of support throughout the school year. Additionally, beginning teachers will attend monthly Zoom meetings during the school year, with in-person meetings once each semester. Please view the schedule of meetings here.
For more information, please contact:
Toni Rasmussen, NAEA Mentor Coordinator
Matt Kreifels, UNL Beginning Teacher Program Coordinator
New-ish Teacher Program
All Nebraska agricultural education teachers who consider themselves “new-ish” (specifically in year 2 – 5) are encouraged to check out Nebraska Owl Talk Podcast on Buzz Sprout or on Spotify (Nebraska Owl Talk). For more information, please contact:
Colin Kubik or Emily Whipple, NAEA New-ish Teacher Program Co-Coordinators
Additionally, check out the in-person and webinar Professional Deveopment Opportunities. All webinars are recorded and available on the website for viewing.
Grant Funding Opportunities:
Educators are often seeking grant funding to help support their programs and students. Below are links to grants for K-12 educators that may meet your needs. Contact each organization for more information.
Agriculture Education Classroom and FFA Chapter funding
- Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Award grant, sponsored by NIFA
- Applications are due Sept 30th. Chapters can apply in one of two categories: $2,500 or $1,000. Priorities for funding are plans that directly and significantly work to solve problems through the use of science, technology and communication. Projects must be completed prior to March 1 of the school year that the grant is awarded. Additional information found here.
- Agricultural Literacy/Seed Your Future grants
- America’s Farmers Grow Communities program
- Bee grant
- CHS Foundation grant
- Farm Credit Services of America
- Ford Trucks National Convention Travel grant
- Gardening Grants
- Governor’s Award of Excellence
- Harbor Freight
- Light a Spark (welding grant)
- National Agriculture in the Classroom
- Nebraska FFA Foundation
- Ram Trucks Chapter Financial Assistance Program
- White-Reinhardt American Farm Bureau Foundation grant