Automation in the Heartland I–Arduinos
July 1 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FreeYear one of a two year workshop. We will cover Arduino micro-controllers, basic circuits, basic CAD, the engineering process, and designing with Laser, and 3-D printers for ag applications, and fun physics applications using the Arduino. Teachers will receive a $600 stipend for completing the workshop and over $600 in equipment to take back to their schools and have access to check out 3-D printers for their students to use. Travel stipends, hotel rooms and meals are all included. Grad credit is available at an additional cost. This course is limited in the number of participants, so sign up early.
All courses will have graduate credit available for an additional cost. Links are to register for the workshop, grad credit registration requires additional steps found by following the links on each course’s registration page.
Please contact Dr. White if you have any questions about these ALEC 893 Short Courses in Technical Agriculture. Please follow this link for directions on enrolling for graduate credit.