Governor’s Award of Excellence

Sponsored by NIFA


The Governor’s Awards of Excellence, sponsored by NIFA, recognizes outstanding projects and activities of agricultural education programs and FFA chapters in Nebraska.

Chapters can apply in one of two categories: $2,500 or $1,000.
Four $2,500 awards and fifteen $1,000 awards are available.

The awards are to encourage programs and chapters to develop programming that engages students in solving problems beyond those that exist today. Students are encouraged to apply technology and scientific principles as well as increase agricultural knowledge through student, chapter and community development activities.

Priorities for funding of eligible activities will be placed on plans that directly and significantly work to solve problems through the use of science, technology and communication.

Projects must be completed prior to March 1 of the school year that the grant is awarded.
Chapters will be recognized as award recipients during the state convention in the spring.
There are five “topical” categories for chapters to explore. They are:

  • The future of agriculture – literacy, awareness or practices that promote a safe food supply.
  • Exploration and promotion of agricultural career opportunities.
  • SAE development with focus on entrepreneurship and Agriscience areas of SAE.
  • International agriculture brought to our community.
  • Developing leaders as problem solvers within the agriculture industry.

Overall goals of these awards include:

  • Develop skills which propel chapter members to remain involved in agriculture through education and future career opportunities.
  • Recognize the roles science and technology play in the agriculture industry.
  • Plan and complete projects that solve problems to impact the chapter and community.
  • Develop the science, technology and communication skills of students.

Award money may be used for purposes that align with the goals of the award program.
Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Equipment (computers, software, ultrasound monitors, digital scales, micro labs, etc.)
  • Training (student participating in learning how to use equipment or participation in a career exploration experience which might include money to support a student internship that can be part of a student’s SAE. The student would need to share experiences with the chapter, community, etc.)
  • Resources and Materials (supplies for research, instructional materials, setting up a research lab, etc.)
  • Topical Category (activities that promote literacy, awareness or actual practices that ensure a safe food supply for our state, nation; develop entrepreneurship and Agriscience areas of SAE; explore international agriculture; explore world/activities that explore and promote agricultural careers)
  • Efforts and work that solves problems and addresses needs of communities.
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