Selection Information
Star Award Program District Selection
Each district may nominate two Star candidates per area, and/or 10% of the applicants in that area – whichever is greater. Districts are not required to send applicants in each area. If a district does not have candidates worthy of Star consideration, they should not forward those applications to the state level. Following the district selection of Star candidates, candidates may revise and edit their record books and applications based on the feedback received during the district review.
Star Award Program State Finalist Selection
Applications and books submitted to the state review after district recommendations will be evaluated by a committee and narrowed down to 24 star finalists. There will not be a designated number of star finalists for each area. For instance, one year there may be eight Production finalists, six Placement finalists, four Agribusiness finalists and six Agriscience finalists. The next year, there most likely would be a different number of finalists in each of the respective areas.
Star Award Program State Winner Selection
The 24 finalists identified by the review committee in the state finalist selection process will be invited to interview during the FFA State Convention. The evaluators will select one Star in each area. All 24 finalists will be recognized on stage at the state convention and Star winners will be announced from the group of finalists.