Degrees, Awards, ASF

FFA members can earn awards and degrees on the local, chapter, state and national level. These awards match a member’s talents and interests developed through their SAE, chapter involvement and leadership experiences.

Degrees and Applications are submitted in AET. Follow this how-to guide:
Submitting Applications in AET
Sign up to evaluate Agriscience and Proficiency Applications February 21 and 22
Sign up to judge!

 FFA Degrees

The FFA Degree Program represents a member’s progress in leadership development, agricultural education classes and SAE. To earn each degree a student must complete the requirements outlined for that degree. Students can begin their journey at the chapter level with the Discovery, Greenhand, and Chapter FFA Degrees. They can apply for the State FFA Degree from the state association and work toward the American FFA Degree after graduating from high school. 


  • The Nebraska FFA Agriscience Fair is designed to recognize students for their outstanding work in their research-based supervised agricultural experiences. The program allows students to investigate scientific principles and emerging technologies that impact the agriculture industry. The Nebraska FFA Agriscience Fair provides middle and high school students the opportunity to achieve local, state and national recognition for their accomplishments in agriscience. The program also gives students a chance to demonstrate and display agriscience projects that are extensions of their agriscience courses. 

    More Agriscience Fair Info
  • The National Chapter Award program recognizes the chapter’s work to emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture through a chapter’s Program of Activities.


    More National Chapter Award Info
  • The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their SAEs, have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. FFA members can be recognized on the chapter, district, state and national level.


    More Proficiency Awards Info
  • FFA members who have outstanding SAE programs may apply to be a State Star in Production, Agribusiness, Placement or Agriscience. Twenty-four individuals are selected to be finalists each year and one Star is named in each of the four areas. Only nationally-recognized SAEs, based on the National FFA Proficiency Award list, can be applied toward the Star awards.


    More State Star Awards Info