Food Products and Processing
Food Science CASE Institute
Wayne High SchoolFood Science and Safety is a specialization course in the CASE program of study. Students complete hands-on activities, projects, and problems that simulate actual concepts and situations found in the food science and safety industry, allowing students to build content knowledge...
Farm to School resources webinar
Across Nebraska, farm to school is taking shape in Classrooms, Cafeterias, and Communities. Tribal partners have worked with the NDE to develop the Nebraska Harvest of the Month Indigenous Foods program and development of resources being used throughout classrooms, including...
Feeding and Fueling the World
The Career Academy 8800 O Street, Lincoln, NEFeeding and Fueling the World, the professional learning experience equipping teachers nationwide, coming to Nebraska this summer. Middle and high school teachers of chemistry, biology, and environmental science will see firsthand how food production in America makes the perfect context...