MidPlains Community College North Platte, NE, United StatesEDGE
Gering, Weborg 21 Gering, NebraskaEDGE
Younes South Conference Center Kearney, NEItems Due
Chapter in Good Standing Items Due Governor’s Award of Excellence (NIFA Grants) Due
West Holt High School AtkinsonEDGE
Norris High School Firth, NEEDGE
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEDistricts 3 and 12 LDE
District 3 LDE - West Point District 12 LDE - Chadron
FFA Board Meeting
Younes South Conference Center Kearney, NEPathways to Careers Conference (P2C) & Ag Ed Symposium
Younes Center Kearney, NEDistrict 4 LDE
Madison Madison, NESample Opportunity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor...
Applications Open
State Convention Chorus Application Opens State Convention Talent Application Opens
District 2 LDE
clarkson Clarkson, NEDistrict 11 LDE
Curtis Curtis, NEDistrict 7, 8, 9 LDE
District 8 LDE - Anselmo-Merna District 9 LDE - Thedford District 7 LDE - Aurora
District 10 LDE
Ainsworth Ainsworth, NEDistrict 1 LDE
Norris Norris, NEDistrict 5 and 11 LDE
District 5 LDE - York District 11 LDE - Curtis
Webinar – Nebraska World Food Prize
Online webinarPostponed - new date to be announced. Learn more about two options to participate in the Nebraska World Food Prize. Session will be recorded and available on demand. Join here.
Nebraska FFA Alumni & Supporters Conference
Hastings Hastings, NEDistrict 6 LDE
Aurora Aurora, NEWebinar – Ag Biotechnology CDE
Online webinarLearn more about the Nebraska Ag Biotechnology CDE. Session will be recorded and available on demand. Join here.
Webinar – Ag Sales CDE
Online webinarLearn more about the Ag Sales CDE. Session will be recorded and available on demand. Join here.
Webinar – Environmental and Natural Resources CDE
Online webinarLearn more about the Nebraska Environmental and Natural Resources CDE. Session will be recorded and available on demand. Join here.
DUE Applications and Submissions
DUE: State FFA Officer Applications Due Agriscience Fair Applications Due in AET State Advancing Proficiency Applications Due in AET State Advancing State Star Applications Due in AET Ag Issues Academy Applications Due State Degree List submitted in AET by FFA...
State Agriscience Fair Application Review
Kearney Kearney, NEFFA Board Meeting
Kearney Kearney, NESpring Leadership Conference (formerly Mission and Impact)
Kearney Kearney, NEProficiency Applications and Star Application Review
Kearney Kearney, NE
Items Due
DUE: National Chapter Applications Due Delegate Items Submitted Honorary State Degree Nominations Due Cornerstone Award Nominations Due NIFA Grant Recipients Pictures and Summary Due Bios due for Proficiency Finalists Bios due for Star Finalists Courtesy Corps Sign Up Due Hall...
State FFA Officer Preliminary Interviews
Kearney Kearney, NEItems Due
DUE: State Convention Registration Closes
State FFA Convention
Lincoln Lincoln, NEApplications Due
DUE: American Degree Applications Due in AET American Star Applications Due in AET
State Horse Judging
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEHorse Judging
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEBriggs and Stratton Workshop
Norris High School Firth, NEWorkshop will provide the knowledge and confidence to conduct your own basic small engine course . The curriculum and lesson plans are designed for high schools and middle schools, and we teach you how to make the subject matter engaging...
Basic Woodworking
Maxwell High School, Maxwell, NE 415 E Highway 30, Maxwell, NE, United StatesBasic Woodworking. Safety, Maintenance, and Operation of Table saws, Miter saws, Routers (handheld & Table mounted), Jointers, Planers, Scroll Saws, Pneumatic Nail Guns, Drill Presses, Sanders, and Pocket Hole Jigs. The final day will be devoted to using all the...
Technical Skill Workshops for STS & Ag Ed
May 30 - June 1 @ Southeast CC -- Workshops held 8:00a - 4:00p at TCA, Lincoln campus at 84th and O, Lincoln, or Milford Campus. Precision Machining Fundamentals, Room TCA-107, May 30 - June 1 (Section 800) Inventor Training, Room...
Excellence in Ag Sciences Day
Raising Nebraska 501 East Fonner Park Road Suite 100, Grand Island, NE“Excellence in Ag Sciences Day”, sponsored by UNL Extension, offers agriculture education instructors a great opportunity to connect with University agricultural researchers and extension faculty to discuss the latest issues in agriculture and get ideas and resources to use in...
Nebraska Career Education (NCE) Conference
Younes Conference Center 416 W. Talmadge Rd, Kearney, NE, United StatesThe NCE Conference is a professional development learning opportunity featuring national and state CTE leaders. The focus of the conference will be to address current and ongoing themes related to CTE instruction. Sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska...
Technical skill workshops for STS and Ag Ed
Southeast Community CollegeJune 12 - 14 @ Southeast CC -- Workshops held 8:00a - 4:00p at TCA, Lincoln campus at 84th & O, Lincoln, or Milford Campus. Register here: https://forms.gle/SxM2jiKFEpDZMMh49 Construction - Residential Framing, Room TCA-106, June 12 - June 14 (Section...
Drone and Urban Ag Workshop
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEJune 13 - 15, at Northeast Community College, Norfolk, NE. Three days focused on drone basics, drone flying and data analysis. Lesson plan activities for horticulture/urban ag curriculum will be provided. $300 stipend for participating in all three days. Lunch...
Technical skill workshops for STS and Ag Ed
Central Community College, Columbus Central Community College, Columbus, NEJune 13 - 15 @ Central CC -- https://www.cccneb.edu/hs-professional-development-workshops. Please register for the Central CC workshops using this link provided so they are aware of your registration. Workshop will be held at 9:00 am - 3:00pm at Columbus campus, North...
Summer Biotechnology Institute
Neogen, Lincoln, NELearn how to implement an authentic research experience in DNA and dog behavior in your course, through an experiential learning opportunity. Work with biotechnology industry partner Neogen for this exciting opportunity. Curriculum, supplies, and onsite support provided during the school...
NAAE Region III Conference
Alexandria, MNJoin fellow agricultural educators, from Region III, for exciting professional development opportunties, industry tours, and networking. Registration cost will be provided through a generous donation from the Nebraska FFA Foundation. More details to come.
Technical skill workshops for STS and Ag Ed
Southeast Community CollegeJune 19 - 21 @ Southeast CC -- Workshops held 8:00a - 4:00p at TCA, Lincoln campus at 84th & O, Lincoln or Milford Campus. Automotive Electrical, Room 137 - Milford Campus, June 19 - June 21 (Section 816) Plumbing,...
Engler Guide Conference
The Engler Space UNL Dinsdale Learning Commons, 1625 North 38th Street, Lincoln, NebraskaAn educator’s conference focused on teaching with an entrepreneurial mindset, powered by the Engler Entrepreneurship Program. What do entrepreneurship and teaching have in common? More than you think. Imagine what schools could look like with more teachers thinking like an...
NCTA Ag Ed Bootcamp
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 404 E 7th St, Curtis, Nebraska2023 NCTA Ag Teacher Bootcamp June 26-June 29, 2023 (check in June 25) Topics include: Ag Mechanics - Advanced Welding Equine Management Ag Mechanics - AC Electrical Wiring and DC Devices and Schematics Ag Mechanics - Basic OA and TIG...
Food Science CASE Institute
Wayne High SchoolFood Science and Safety is a specialization course in the CASE program of study. Students complete hands-on activities, projects, and problems that simulate actual concepts and situations found in the food science and safety industry, allowing students to build content knowledge...
Technical skill workshops for STS and Ag Ed
Central Community College, Grand IslandJune 27 - 29 @ Central CC -- https://www.cccneb.edu/hs-professional-development-workshops. Please register for the Central CC workshops using this link provided so they are aware of your registration. Workshops held 8:00a - 3:00p at Grand Island Campus, Center for Health and Technology...
Tri-State Delta Conference
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 404 E 7th St, Curtis, NebraskaAgricultural educators from Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado will gather for five days of instruction focusing on helping teachers reconnect with their passion with a focus on student engagement/innovative teaching strategies, and leadership within their community and school. Delta starts on...
Intermediate Woodworking
Johnson-Brock High School 310 Main Street, Johnson, NebraskaIntermediate woodworking We will dive into Dados, Miters, Tenons, pocket hole joinery, and table saw jigs to make nightstands and cabinets. Cost does not include lodging. Pre-workshop assignment is required.
Briggs and Stratton Beginner CTE Field School
Scottsbluff High School 1722 First Avenue, Scottsbluff, NEDisassemble and reassemble a horizontal shaft OHV Briggs engine. Get a semester-based curriculum and additional resources within the Briggs Power Portal. Teachers will receive a textbook, a clear carburetor, and other teaching resources. Includes lunch each day, does not include...
Membership for State Fair Due
*Note: Do not send in payment for these members. Pay membership dues with all of the other membership dues by November 30, 2023.
Project Learning Tree (PLT) – during Envirothon Field Days
Wahoo, NE Wahoo, NEDuring the Envirothon Field Day, teachers will have the opportunity to participate in a Project Learning Tree (PLT) educational workshop and receive curriculum to take home. Forests of the World curriculum provides opportunities for high school teachers and students to gain...
West Holt High School AtkinsonAtkinson
Project Learning Tree (PLT) – during Envirothon Field Days
Ord, NEDuring the Envirothon Field Day, teachers will have the opportunity to participate in a Project Learning Tree (PLT) educational workshop and receive curriculum to take home. Forests of the World curriculum provides opportunities for high school teachers and students to gain...
Norris High School Firth, NEFirth
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NENorfolk
Spring Greenhouse Prep Webinar
York Middle/High School Ag Ed Instructors Rachelle Staehr and Jason Hirschfeld will discuss best practices in spring greenhouse planning. Topics will include determining plant needs, ordering plugs, greenhouse maintenance and more. Rachelle and Jason will provide an overview of the...
Project Learning Tree (PLT) – during Envirothon Field Days
ScottsbluffDuring the Envirothon Field Day, teachers will have the opportunity to participate in a Project Learning Tree (PLT) educational workshop and receive curriculum to take home. Forests of the World curriculum provides opportunities for high school teachers and students to gain...
Beginning Teacher Programing
Central Community College, Kearney 1215 30th Ave, Kearney, NEBeginning Teacher November in-person meeting. Contact Toni Rasmussen <[email protected]> for registration.
Curriculum webinar – Carbon Hoofprints: Clearing the Air
Carbon Hoofprints: Clearing the Air What is carbon? A hot topic in agriculture. Attend to preview new Nebraska-specific lesson plans aligned to AFNR standards, National Agriculture in the Classroom lesson plans, and student readers that highlight the advantages and disadvantages...
Fire Up: Ignite Your Potential
ESU 10 76 Plaza Blvd, Kearney, NECalling all teachers with 2-7 years of experience and more experienced teachers who feel they need to FIRE UP!! Emily Whipple and Colin Kubik present to you strategies to take care of themselves and have better mental health without losing...
Fire Up: Ignite Your Potential
ESU 10 76 Plaza Blvd, Kearney, NECalling all teachers with 2-7 years of experience and more experienced teachers who feel they need to FIRE UP!! Emily Whipple and Colin Kubik present to you strategies to take care of themselves and have better mental health without losing...
Fire Up: Ignite Your Potential
ESU 16 314 W 1st St, Ogallala, NECalling all teachers with 2-7 years of experience and more experienced teachers who feel they need to FIRE UP!! Emily Whipple and Colin Kubik present to you strategies to take care of themselves and have better mental health without losing...
Beginning Teacher Programing
Central Community College, Columbus Central Community College, Columbus, NEBeginning Teacher November in-person meeting. Contact Toni Rasmussen <[email protected]> for registration.
NAAE Convention
Pheonix, AZHeld in conjunction with ACTE's CareerTech VISION, NAAE members have access to both conventions for one price. NAAE schedule to come!
Fire Up: Ignite Your Potential
ESU 8 110 West 3rd St, Neligh, NECalling all teachers with 2-7 years of experience and more experienced teachers who feel they need to FIRE UP!! Emily Whipple and Colin Kubik present to you strategies to take care of themselves and have better mental health without losing...
Farm to School resources webinar
Across Nebraska, farm to school is taking shape in Classrooms, Cafeterias, and Communities. Tribal partners have worked with the NDE to develop the Nebraska Harvest of the Month Indigenous Foods program and development of resources being used throughout classrooms, including...
School Based Enterprises Webinar
Join us on Tuesday, Dec 12, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm CT, as Ag Ed Instructors David Gibbens (West Holt) and Craig Flaming (Randolph) discuss best practices in School Based Enterprises. David and Craig will provide an overview of their...
CASE: Ag Equipment Maintenance and Technology (AEMT)
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 404 E 7th St, Curtis, NebraskaAg Equipment Maintenance and Technology (AEMT) Online orientation on June 27; on-site July 8-12 in Curtis, hosted by NCTA, and a virtual follow-up on July 15-17. Participant Lodging & Meals: Check-In: 07/07/24; Check-out: 07/12/24 Lodging Location: Dormitory (apartment-style (individual rooms with shared bathroom)...
Agriscience CDE webinar
Agriscience CDE Webinar - on Tuesday, January 16 at 4:00 p.m. CST, presenting a detailed overview of the Agriscience FFA CDE, covering its rules, guidelines, and effective strategies for training teams. Use Zoom link here. Webinar will be recorded and...
State FFA Applications Due-Agriscience Fair Applications Due in AET State FFA Officer Applications Due State Advancing Proficiency Applications Due in AET State Advancing State Star Applications Due in AET Ag Issues Academy Applications Due State Degree List submitted in AET by FFA Board Reps State Proficiency Review Names submitted by FFA Board Reps State Competitor LDE Manuscripts and Employment Skills Documents Due
State Officer, State Advancing Proficiency and Star due in AET, Ag Issues Academy, State Degree list, State Proficiency Review names, State Competitor LDE Manuscripts and Employment Skills Documents
State FFA Convention Best Practices Webinar
https://educationne.zoom.us/my/stacie4023108344Join Melissa Bonifas for a “been there, done that” overview as you prepare for the NE State FFA Convention, including student, parent and administration communication, student schedules, working with chaperones, managing students and activities during convention, and dealing with the...
Engler Guide Webinar
What if you redesigned your classroom approach so that students took ownership of their learning, they were motivated by failure, and they creatively pursued their purpose in life? When the entrepreneurial mindset is infused into education, all of these things are...
Cultivando Caminos (Cultivating Pathways)
University of NE-Lincoln Lincoln, NECultivando Caminos (Cultivating Pathways) is a one-day conference for underrepresented high school students interested in careers in agriculture, food, water, energy, and natural resources. The conference is designed to encourage students to envision themselves in various agricultural careers and to...
Drone and Urban Ag Workshop
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEExpand your classroom offerings! Join us on the Northeast Community College campus in Norfolk, NE for three days (May 28th-30th) of workshops focused on drone basics, drone flying, and data analysis. Lesson plan activities for horticulture/urban ag curriculum will also...
Tech Changemakers
Univeristy of Nebraska - LincolnAre you passionate about making a meaningful impact on the lives of students/youth? We invite you to sign up for an enriching professional learning experience designed to empower education professionals like you. Whether you work in formal education settings such...
Excellence in Ag Sciences Day
Raising Nebraska 501 East Fonner Park Road Suite 100, Grand Island, NEContamination of domestic wells from agrichemicals, natural contaminants, and pathogens is a significant concern to rural residents and regulatory agencies. Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water for most rural residents and farmstead residents. Nearly all of Nebraska’s rural...
Nebraska Career Education (NCE) Conference
Younes Conference Center 416 W. Talmadge Rd, Kearney, NE, United StatesThe NCE Conference is a professional development learning opportunity featuring national and state CTE leaders. The focus of the conference will be to address current and ongoing themes related to CTE instruction. Sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska...
Fundamentals of Parliamentary Law
Hybrid courseALEC 893 Short Course in Technical Agriculture: Fundamentals of Parliamentary Law All things Parliamentary procedure directly from Roberts. Because I know how hectic your schedules are in the summer, this will be a hybrid book club of sorts. Materials will...
Introductory Woodworking Workshop
Randolph High School 207 North Pierce Street, Randolph, NEOver a 3 day period, participants will gain experience in “basic fine woodworking” by participating in classwork and lab instruction covering safe machinery operation, project planning and design, construction, and finishing. Upon completion, participants will have an entire semester worth...
Additive Manufacturing
Nebraska Innovation Studio 2021 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, NELearn to apply 3D modeling techniques towards Additive Manufacturing to create print-in-place (pip) models utilizing Autodesk Fusion 360. Get exposure to Stratasys 3D printing and GrabCAD, the same tools used in SkillsUSA’s additive manufacturing competition. Recommended for teachers who already...
Feeding and Fueling the World
The Career Academy 8800 O Street, Lincoln, NEFeeding and Fueling the World, the professional learning experience equipping teachers nationwide, coming to Nebraska this summer. Middle and high school teachers of chemistry, biology, and environmental science will see firsthand how food production in America makes the perfect context...
Region III NAAE Conference
Dickinson, NDRegion III NAAE Conference. Visit the NAAE Region III website for the most up-to-date information related to registration, housing reservations, tours, schedule. Region III Update- February 2024
CASE Institute: Principles of Ag Science – Animal (ASA)
Lakeview High School 3744 83rd Street, Columbus, NEEngages students in hands-on labs and activities to explore the world of animal agriculture as students develop a comprehensive Producer’s Management Guide for an animal of their choice This professional development cost covers all training materials, supplies used at the...
Nebraska Innovation Studio 2021 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, NEFly and program unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) aka drones. You will learn how to fly small and mid-sized drones. Learn the basics of FAA drone laws and what types of licenses are available. Attendees will earn their recreational drone license...
Aquaponics 101 Workshop
Auburn University, AL – E.W. Shell Fisheries Research Center AlabamaThis 5-day professional development workshop is designed for teachers that would like to integrate aquaponics into their curriculum. The workshop is geared to middle and high school teachers, but adventurous elementary and pre-service teachers are welcome. Aquaponics is a combination...
Metal Working and Machining
Nebraska Innovation Studio 2021 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, NEBuild your own toolbox! We will go over the process of designing and building a toolbox from start to finish. The toolbox will have custom engraved name plates. The laboratory experience will include safety, SolidWorks, fiber laser, metal bending, assembly,...
Engler Guide Conference
Ord, NEAn educator’s conference focused on teaching with a “Guiding” mindset. What happens when the Engler mission is applied to teachers? Is teaching much like entrepreneurship? Can the core concepts used in launching and running a business also apply to managing...
CASE Institute: Ag Equipment Maintenance and Technology (AEMT)
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 404 E 7th St, Curtis, NebraskaThis CASE Institute prepares students to enter the ag technician field through hands-on identification and cause and correction of equipment failures in electrical, fluid, diesel, precision, and mechanical systems. This professional development cost covers all training materials, supplies used at...
Increasing Ag Productivity through Prototyping Design (CNC Plasma, 3-D Printing, Laser Cutting, and Testing)
Scottsbluff Research Station 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NEALEC 893 Short Course in Technical Agriculture: Increasing Ag Productivity through Prototyping Design (CNC Plasma, 3-D Printing, Laser Cutting, and Testing) REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/5LrzbdZfzs2h77Vj8 We will focus primarily in 2-D design on plasma and laser printers with the majority of...
Small Gas Engines Fundamentals
Panhandle Research Station 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NEALEC 893 Short Course in Technical Agriculture: Small Gas Engines Fundamentals --This class will be nearly identical to the Briggs & Stratton Field school courses offered in previous years. Teachers will get the curriculum, but not the textbook, clear carb,...
Ag Teachers & FFA Officers Tech Day
ESU 8 110 West 3rd St, Neligh, NEEnhance your tech skills to support your Ag program and FFA Chapter, through: Increase engagement with Canva and Ed Tech Tools Optimize technology capabilities to provide dynamic experiences Collaborate with Supported Chapter Planning Time Registration of $10/person includes lunch. More...
Automation in the Heartland I–Arduinos
Scottsbluff Research Station 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NEYear one of a two year workshop. We will cover Arduino micro-controllers, basic circuits, basic CAD, the engineering process, and designing with Laser, and 3-D printers for ag applications, and fun physics applications using the Arduino. Teachers will receive a...
Citizen Science and Environmental Education Showcase: Empowering Youth, Inspiring Civic Action
Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall 840 N 14th St, Lincoln, NEJoin us as 25 distinguished educators from around Nebraska present their innovative methods for guiding students to understand the impact of water quality on public health, environmental issues on local communities, and pathways for active youth civic engagement. Additionally, 25...
Basic Laboratory Safety & Skill Development
Panhandle Research Station 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NEALEC 893 Short Course in Technical Agriculture: Basic Powertool & Shop Safety This course will focus on all things safety. We will be using the MN CTE Safety curriculum to cover the safe and efficient usage of woods and metal...
Agriscience Metaverse Academy (AMA)
Univeristy of Nebraska - LincolnThe AMA is a Virtual Reality Training Program to Bring Immersive Agricultural Experiences into the Classroom! A one-year, USDA NIFA-funded professional development program will help teachers improve their knowledge of virtual reality (VR) technology and Metaverse applications, for educational settings. ...
NPPD STEM Professional Development Teachers Workshop
Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, NEEach school gets to take home a STEM kit of their choice* One and a half days of hands-on activities Tour of the NECC Campus Registration Deadline is May 31st, 2024 Open to all teachers K-12. Space limited. Supper will...
New Membership Year Opens
New membership year opens. If your chapter is interested in Affiliated Membership, request that in FFA.org before adding any members to your chapter roster.
Membership for State Fair Opens
*Note: If a current FFA member is on the 2023-2024 FFA roster, that individual does NOT need to be early added to next year’s roster prior to exhibiting at the 2024 Fair. Any incoming new member, including 7th and 8th...
Membership for State Fair Due
*Note: Do not send in payment for these members. Pay membership dues with all of the other membership dues by November 30, 2024.
Kickoff Event in the Engler space on East Campus, Lincoln (By Invitation Only)
Nebraska State Fair – FFA Weekend
State Dairy Judging Event August 31 State Milk Quality and Products Event August 31
Ignite Leadership Conference
September 24th and 25th ( locations Kearney and North Platte)
District Leadership Development Events
Varies by District. Planning form due to the state office 2 weeks before the event.
Fire Up: Ignite Your Potential
ESU 10 76 Plaza Blvd, Kearney, NETeacher Professional Development: Fire Up - Ignite Your Potential November 22, 2024 @ 9 am - 3:00 pm Calling all teachers with 2-7 years of experience and more experienced teachers who feel they need to FIRE UP!! Emily Jackman and...
Winter Booster in the Engler space on East Campus, Lincoln (By Invitation Only)
February 1, 2025
Delegate Items Submitted
February 14, 2025 Noon CST
State FFA Officer Applications Due State Advancing Proficiency Applications Due in AET State Proficiency Review Names submitted by FFA Board Reps State Agriscience Research Program Applications Due Ag Issues Academy Applications Due State Degree List submitted in AET by FFA...